making marquee on blog

11 February 2010

Posted by gumbung on 8:42 AM

how to create a marquee (text to walk) your blog, pretty easy. only by adding elements into the template. how: go to the website select the layout and add gadgets. Copy the following syntac
replace # # # # with the address of the website http://
TITLE replace with a title that will appear in the marquee
This code can you add a lot

<marquee align="right" onmouseover="this.stop()" onmouseout="this.start()" scrollamount="2" direction="left" width="100%" height="100"><a href="####" target="new">TITLE</a></marquee>

explanation of these codes that every xml code always starts with code and closed with the same code by adding "/". For example: / marquee> some can you apply this code into your blog.
fill in the code:
align = "right" command is meant alignment (average writing) is on the left, right, up or down.
onmouseover = "this.stop ()" command is meant when the mouse is pointing to here would stop.
onMouseOut = "this.start ()" command is meant when the mouse is pointing to here would start.
scrollamount = "2" This command gives a chance marquee mean velocity of fast / slow by changing the number, the higher the number the faster, and vice versa.
direction = "left" command is meant to be hand written text which, left, right or center
width = "100%" This command means the overall width of the widget, when placed into a sidebar widget with width 218px means that this will be full. should not be 100%.
height = "100" is meant high command widget is 100px, you can replace