how to make widgets link exchange. gumbung will discuss more about this. Links Exchange is one way of increasing pagerank or the number of visits to our blog. before stepping, it helps us make a banner beforehand, please visit this website.
my tukar link widget, example:
Login to blogger > layout > add elements > html / java script. copy this code:
step 1 such as the number in the image above, change the word to your taste. example:
<p>Mau Tukar Link? Copy/paste code HTML berikut ke blog anda </p>
step 2 such as the number in the image above, generated html code image from, change it to yours.
<p><a href="your adress"><img height="55" width="179" alt="Gumbung Blog" src="" /></a></p>
step 3 such as the number in the image above, this is a teks area widget, change it with html code from
<p><textarea rows="3" cols="20"><a href="your adress"><img src="" width="179" height="55" alt="Gumbung Blog" /></a></textarea> </p>
note: this html code from, you can delete the blue text below. and change adress from your site on red text.
<a href="your adress"><img src="" width="179" height="55" alt="Gumbung Blog" /></a>
<br />Image by <a href="">Cool Text: Logo and Button Generator</a> - <a href="">Create Your Own</a>
after edit
<a href=""><img src="" width="179" height="55" alt="Gumbung Blog" /></a&g